Chesapeake Corporate Advisors is pleased to announce that Katie Kieran has joined the team as a Vice President in the firm’s investment banking practice. Chesapeake Corporate Advisors, which provides personalized investment banking and strategic advisory services, is...
What’s the best way to learn about buying and selling companies, alternative forms of capital, and investing or preparing your own company for sale? Learn from the experts and experienced advisors at the content-rich virtual 2021 Smart Business Dealmakers Conference...
The role of a CFO has changed over the last several years, from focusing on historical financial information to fully understanding a company’s operations and providing forward looking, strategic analysis that allows the company to navigate through different business...
CCA has formalized a new service offering to assist business owners to forecast and optimize their cash flow and liquidity during these critical times. As a Business Owner, you are probably experiencing some of the most stressful times you can remember. The evolving...
The CCA team has spent hours over the past weeks gathering information from our strategic relationships (i.e. clients, prospects, capital sources, corporate attorneys, governmental agencies, etc.) on the business impact of COVID-19. We’ve summarized this...
2019 was an exciting year for CCA and for our clients. It was a year of growth and another year in which the CCA Model has proven successful. We were able to help companies prepare for liquidity events and help companies execute on liquidity events. Thank you to our...